National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


Chapter 8, pages 213-238

In: Honors Colleges in the 21st Century, Richard Badenhausen, editor

National Collegiate Honors Council, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States, 2023


Copyright 2023, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission


This chapter offers an overview of the most current and common methods of staffing honors college courses as well as the problems and possibilities of these methods. The chapter’s literature review notes the typical characteristics of the most successful honors faculty members as well as how those characteristics tend to mirror those of successful honors students. As honors colleges themselves have proliferated, so has the number of tenure-track faculty lines contained in them; the details of how several universities have evaluated those faculty are included. The authors make three final recommendations regarding honors college faculty and note that as honors faculties become more institutionally solidified, these entities will likely have a significant impact on the shape honors colleges take in the future.
