National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


Honors Online: Teaching, Learning, and Building Community Virtually in Honors Education [NCHC Monograph Series], Victoria M. Bryan and Cat Stanfield, editors, chapter 10, pages 169-188

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States: National Collegiate Honors Council, 2024


Copyright 2024, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission


This essay outlines the principles upon which the Fort Hays State University Honors Online initiative will be based and proposes ways of achieving successful honors outcomes in student-centered ways that are appropriate and meaningful to both on-campus and online cohorts. We propose a structure guided by a Community of Inquiry (COI) framework that respects and reflects the social, cognitive, and academic needs of diverse students as individuals and groups. This results in a concentric curricular model in which the student’s academic major field provides a broad, encompassing space for inner fields of co-curricular experiential learning and service. Honors staff work with students to provide guidance and accountability that facilitate success. Concrete examples from our pilot phase experience of the structure and application of these principles are provided in subsequent sections of this article.
