National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


Honors Online: Teaching, Learning, and Building Community Virtually in Honors Education [NCHC Monograph Series], Victoria M. Bryan and Cat Stanfield, editors, chapter 17, pages 293-298

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States: National Collegiate Honors Council, 2024


Copyright 2024, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission


During fall 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic created a situation that necessitated initiative and required agency across all domains of society and every aspect of higher education, we prioritized the physical and mental health and well-being of our students at Kutztown University, and we recognized the increased significance of establishing social connections when so many had been disrupted. For a generation that has grown up with smart technology, flipping peer mentoring makes sense because it provides a context for the students’ immediate development and assertion of agency in familiar modalities for social and academic connections.
