National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


Honors Online: Teaching, Learning, and Building Community Virtually in Honors Education [NCHC Monograph Series], Victoria M. Bryan and Cat Stanfield, editors, chapter 19, pages 305-310

Lincoln, Nebraska, United States: National Collegiate Honors Council, 2024


Copyright 2024, National Collegiate Honors Council. Used by permission


Although the world endured many losses because of the COVID- 19 virus, including missing the hustle and bustle of seeing and socializing with our students in person on campus, I am pleased with the way the honors college at Perimeter turned this challenging time into an opportunity to focus on and build the community our students and faculty have told us they want. We are now adept at archiving virtual events, and our practice is to seek permission from all our speakers to record and archive their presentations. Our plan is to track views of these recorded sessions so we can include that impact in our requests for student activity fee funding. Moreover, we now know we can bring people together meaningfully in shared virtual experiences that will continue in the future to serve and enrich our online honors community.
