National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


From: Housing Honors, edited by Linda Frost, Lisa W. Kay, and Rachael Poe. National Collegiate Honors Council Monograph Series (Lincoln, NE: 2015).


Copyright © 2015 by National Collegiate Honors Council.


“This Place Matters,” the slogan of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, proclaims the importance of a physical property to the understanding of history, traditions, and values (“This place matters,” 2013). “This Place” may be a single room, a building, a neighborhood, or an entire city. The National Collegiate Honors Council has long recognized the power of place by dedicating an extended session at its annual meetings to the exploration of the host city, its popular City as Text™ explorations. Although a community is ultimately defined by its people, the location and architecture contribute to a setting and a history that can either enhance or inhibit the achievements and creativity of those living and working there. The Heidelberg University Honors Program enjoys the distinction of a dedicated house, a feature not shared by many institutions of this size. This distinction is important to the honors program and to its students because they appreciate the building and understand it within the context of its function, its surroundings, and its place in history.
