National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version


Document Type

Book Chapter


From Internationalizing Honors, ed. Kim Klein and Mary Kay Mulvaney (Lincoln, NE: National Collegiate Honors Council, 2020)


Copyright © 2020 National Collegiate Honors Council


The world of higher education in the twenty-first century recognizes the necessity, not merely the desirability, of educating our students as global citizens. According to the American Council on Education’s Center for Internationalization and Globalization Engagement (CIGE), campus efforts toward internationalization are increasing: approximately half of all institutions now include a global studies component in their general education requirements, roughly half specify internationalization as one of their top five institutional strategic priorities, and nearly two-thirds have identified an international or global outcome as one of the student learning outcomes applicable to the entire student body (Mapping Internationalization). While including an international focus is desirable for all undergraduate students, that experience is imperative for honors students. Not surprisingly, the institutional members of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) continue to expand their programming beyond providing academically challenging classroom experiences. Honors programs and colleges regularly commit to the development of their highly talented and motivated students as societal leaders who possess an ethical, global consciousness. Increasingly, honors educators validate the value of high-impact practices, particularly study abroad, in that leadership development process. Honors administrators and faculty recognize that global competency is a vital component of preparing students to compete and lead in an increasingly complex and interdependent world.
