"Psychology in Gothic Literature" by Alan Acosta Copas

Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Capstone Project Poster Presentation, College Preparatory Academy, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Spring 2020


Copyright (c) 2020 by the author.


Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca feature abusive tactics such as belittlement, control, and gaslighting which ultimately takes a mental toll toward the main characters which is noted by using the environment to express their mental thoughts. Although many people are able to overcome the abuse and start off on a clean slate similarly to Wuthering Heights, abuse can also be traumatizing and can linger in a person’s thoughts for an eternity like in Rebecca. In the end, more research on the ways men cope with abuse in comparison to women, as some of the male characters in the story seem to have dealt with the same abuse that Young Catherine and Mrs. De Winter endured.
