Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Nebraska College Preparatory Academy Senior Capstone Project, Spring 2022


Copyright © 2022 Michael Costanza


The videogame development industry is rampant with labor and sexual abuse. These forms abuse go unaddressed within mainstream media. Big-name companies backed by large corporations force their employees into unpaid overtime in terrible working conditions. Female game developers are typically paid less due to a game developers are typically paid less due to a game developers are typically paid less due to a gender bias and are at higher risk of sexual gender bias and are at higher risk of sexual gender bias and are at higher risk of sexual assault both of which get swept under the rug to keep a good reputation in the industry. This research reviews articles and journals to discuss research reviews articles and journals to discuss research reviews articles and journals to discuss and analyze current worker abuse in the and analyze current worker abuse in the and analyze current worker abuse in the videogame industry.
