Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


Date of this Version

Spring 2015

Document Type



Poster presented for Nebraska College Preparatory Academy Senior Capstone Project, May 2015


Copyright 2015 Aaliyah Griego‐Turner


Beauty pageants give young women a false idea of true beauty; the girls who don't win oIen suffer from low self-­‐esteem. The media has glorified beauty pageants on television with shows like Toddlers and Tiaras. “ Glitz” pageants should be banned and the age limit should be raised. “Natural” pageants are beSer; they allow the girls to show their true beauty. Instead of wearing fake teeth, breast implants, hair extensions, or fake nails. Beauty pageants do have the potenWal to create positve role models out of young woman. “Glitz” pageants should have an age limit not only because they are ridiculously expensive, they create damaging competion among the young girls. At young ages girls are being trained to become Pageant Queens.
