Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Senior Capstone Project Poster, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy/Grand Island Senior High School 2018. University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright © 2018 Edward Gonzalez-Olmedo


Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein brings up the question: When do we draw the line on technological Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancement? The importance of this is that we need to be able to control the technology that we produce. Humans always strive for an advancement in technology, and AI is one of the more advanced concepts. Mary Shelley introduces this problem with Frankenstein when he creates a creature which cannot be controlled by its creator. Humans have begun to tinker with this new technology, yet mankind does not fully understand AI.

● Human desire is inevitable. ● The creation of AI interferes with religious beliefs. ● This creation defines us as a superior race wanting to make actions easier for us.
