Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Senior Capstone Project Poster, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy/Grand Island Senior High School 2019. University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright © 2019 Diego Almanza Zavala


There is much to discover when it comes to the development, process, and uses for augmented and virtual reality. This research analyzes a similar augmented reality device to a fictional counterpart called Augma. The investigation proceeds to examine the problems and challenges of augmented reality. Findings go in depth on the critical uses for virtual reality: medicine, games, empathy and fulfilling dreams. However, just like every other invention, there are challenges concerning the development of full-dive virtual reality. This project investigates how some experiments could be used to complete full-dive reality.

❏ Empathy is the ability to understand others and the use of virtual reality helps people come closer to understand one another. ❏ Virtual and augmented reality has helped in the medical field by providing doctors the opportunity to practice on a digital being instead of a mannequin. ❏ Full-Dive VR is a highly developed piece of technology that can transport a person to another realm.
