Anthropology, Department of


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Published in THE NEBRASKA ANTHROPOLOGIST, Volume 3 (1977). Published by the Anthropology Student Group, Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588


The author seems to be greatly concerned about current trends within his profession of Anthropological Linguistics. He has made some extremely valid observations and some equally valid suggestions to reconstruct the field of Linguistics in order to deal with pertinent problems of today.

Hale views Anthropology as a product of its origin. He believes that it is constrained by the limitations of a white Anglo-Saxon denomination in the field, in academic endeavors, and more precisely in its most important aspect, it's application. In particular he attacks the idea that non-native speakers, as objective observers, are more successful. The probable cause for such success is that compiled data is more readily available to application by "Imperialistic Western Powers," and thus gains support from certain government agencies.

The author suggests that a reversal of proportion with a dominance by native speakers within the field would be more successful in accomplishing the original goals of Anthropology. I disagree, I believe that a balance of native and non-native speakers would be much more appealing. I would favor a cooperative effort in solving questions of relevance for the benefit of all concerned.

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