Anthropology, Department of


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Published in THE NEBRASKA ANTHROPOLOGIST, Volume 4 (1978). Published by the Anthropology Student Group, Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588


This bibliography of anthropological serials in the University of Nebraska Libraries has been undertaken primarily for two reasons. The first follows from the incredibly diverse nature of the discipline itself, for the study of man and his origins has given rise to various methods of inquiry and interdisciplinary overlays. As Sol Tax has pointed out, the study of man appears to have no natural boundaries. It comes as little surprise, therefore, that the bibliography representing the published record of such a varied field of study should itself be extremely diffuse. Add to this natural diffusion the characteristic pattern of dispersed library holdings throughout various branch locations and in several stack areas within the main library, and the situation becomes all the more confusing. This bibliography represents an attempt to bring together a single listing of all serial titles within the UNL collections pertaining to one or another of the sub-fields of anthropology, with locational and holdings information for each title. It is hoped that the product of this undertaking will bring some semblance of order out of diversity and will serve to enhance access to the collections.

The second reason for undertaking the project pertains to the relative strengh of retrospective holdings within the UNL libraries. Admittedly, the budget cuts of recent years have precluded any possibility of maintaining the collection at an adequate level. Nevertheless, the UNL collections reflect some thorough and systematic bibliographic spadework in years gone by, particularly for North American archaeology and ethnology. This bibliography will hopefully bring this fact more fully to light. Due to various problems of providing adequate access to library collections in the past, it is doubtful whether these rather extensive holdings are being utilized to a very full extent. The prospect of unearthing a "good", if not "excellent" collection, plus the hope that access to the materials might be enhanced, would each be adequate justification for undertaking this bibliographic project.

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