Anthropology, Department of


Date of this Version


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Nebraska Anthropologist 2012


Copyright 2012


In 1979. China introduced the legislation of the One-Child Policy to be implemented as a temporary means of curbing such high population growth. Over thirty years have passed since its implementation. and this family planning policy still continues to be controversial. Much of academia has focused on the problems stemmingfrom this policy. such as increased abortions. the underreporting of live births. infants abandoned and/or left at orphanages. female infanticide and an imbalanced ratio of males to females among the Chinese population. Not much scholarship has focused on the benefits of China 's One-Child Policy. especially for women. Since this policy 's implementation. China has experienced changes in filial piety and patrilineality. In a land where sons have been highly cherishedfor thousands of years. singleton daughters are now experiencing greater parental investment and consequently greater gender equality within their society. In a country that has been traditionally dominated by males. China's One-Child Policy has indirectly benefited the role of women in society.
