Anthropology, Department of


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Nebraska Anthropologist (2024) 30


Copyright 2024, Mack Cristino. Used by permission


Review of Vanished: The Sixty-Year Search for the Missing Men of World War II by Wil S. Hylton. 2013. Riverhead Books, New York. xiii + pp. 239. $27.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-59448-727-9. Reviewed by Mack Cristino, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Scannon’s mission approach was one of social and expert collaboration. Scannon valued the stories, memories, and accounts of the indigenous Palauan peoples and the families of the missing crew. He also sat down to interview and visit fellow Long Ranger veterans of the 307th Bombardment group. Scannon goes on to share that these accounts were invaluable to the search for the missing men. The heartfelt pleas from their loved ones and comrades touched the heart of Scannon and were heard far and wide by the many experts who soon also devoted themselves to the search. Hylton describes Scannon’s recruitment of scientists, archaeologists, and divers to his fulfilling project. These collaborations formed the heart of this book.

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