Anthropology, Department of


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Nebraska Anthropologist (2024) 30


Copyright 2024, Dakota Taylor. Used by permission


Review of The Marginalized in Death: A Forensic Anthropology of Intersectional Identity in the Modern Era by J. F. Byrnes and I. Sandoval-Cervantes. 2022. Lexington Books. Reviewed by Dakota Taylor, University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

This book is a compilation of articles that explore the representation of marginalized populations in the forensic anthropological record. The primary focus of this book is on the need for more research to be conducted in this field regarding marginalized populations. Some of the main takeaways from this book is the urgent need to train or educate forensic anthropologists about all these issues. Additionally, this book can help inform the public about the importance of forensic anthropologists being mindful of all relevant factors in every case they work on. Incorporating a conclusion at the end of each section that highlights the main points of the articles would help tie the book together. Overall, this book does a great job of highlighting the need for ongoing work to make the field of forensic anthropology more inclusive in terms of our standards to make the field of forensic anthropology more inclusive in terms of our standards. This book would be a great book for anyone interested in marginalized populations and research in forensic anthropology but will be beneficial to people in school or already a professional in the field. There are a lot of terms that a person not surrounded by the vocabulary would not know but does a great job at advocating for more research. With this focus, we can continue to identify as many unidentified individuals as possible and reunite them with their families.

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