Anthropology, Department of



Brett Kennedy

Date of this Version


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Published in Nebraska Anthropologist Vol. 21 (2006). Copyright © Brett Kennedy; published by The University of Nebraska-Lincoln AnthroGroup.


Slowly but surely American and Western European culture is being eased into an approximate acceptance of homosexuality and other non-heterosexual orientations. Great leaps have been taken in the past four decades to improve the quality of life for non-heterosexuals in almost all parts of the developed world However, in those countries which lie on the outside of this small core group of economic power, the issue of gay rights is often not even considered In this analysis, I will be looking at the attitudes and treatment of homosexuals in developing Africa. Primarily, the focus will rest on South Africa and its neighbors. South Africa, being among the more 'developed' countries on the continent, has in its constitution a provision for the protection of the rights of people of all sexual orientations. This is in high contrast to many of the surrounding countries in which homosexuality is illegal and severely discouraged I will consider the causes and effects of the differentiation in attitudes and policy between South Africa and other countries in this region.

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