Anthropology, Department of



Tayrah Epp

Date of this Version


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Published in Nebraska Anthropologist Vol. 25 (2010). Copyright © Tayrah Epp; published by The University of Nebraska-Lincoln AnthroGroup.


Time perspectivism is a view in which time scales bring into focus different processes, which produces a need to use different concepts and explanatory variables (Bailey 1987, 2007). The three Mennonite cemeteries, Epp, Faith Evangelical and Bethesda, were analyzed using time perspectivism and are linked spatially and temporally to one another as indicated in the headstone inscriptions and decorative motifs. This case study provides an example of short-term scale change in which the Mennonites transition from Standard German to English. Much of this paper s focus is on the Epp cemetery, which when viewed as a palimpsest of meaning show its use and change in meaning over time. The Epp cemetery shows considerable planning in its construction, which is reflected in its layout. While all three show consistency in headstone size, inscriptions and decorative motifs, there is, stylistically, a closer link between the Epp and Bethesda cemeteries.

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