"On-line Studies on Nebraska Ornithology" by Paul A. Johnsgard

Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



“On-line Studies on Nebraska Ornithology by P. A. Johnsgard” from Nebraska Bird Review (June 2009) 77(2).


Copyright 2009 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


In recent years the University of Nebraska has been developing a DigitalCommons Internet library (http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/) that is freely available online, and that includes publications in the humanities and sciences. The DigitalCommons is a national online digital library that serves as a repository for scholarly publishing. It is a collection of a university's scholarly effort that preserves and makes accessible information via the Internet that is produced by that institution. It may include preliminary or final copies of journal articles, theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, books, or other scholarly materials. The University of Nebraska has been an active participant in this national effort, and its digital holdings are among the largest in the country. Specific titles may easily be found though the usual search engines, such as Google. The University of Nebraska's facility is located in Love Library on Lincoln's city campus.

Over 40 of my publications that are no longer easily available as hard copies can be freely accessed through UNL's DigitalCommons. The list that follows is limited to those titles that variously relate to the birds of Nebraska and were entirely or in part written by me. They can be accessed at the URLs indicated. Additional titles will be added as funding allows, and a complete list of my online titles can be found at the URL included above.
