Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Mark Brogie

Date of this Version


Document Type



“Eurasian Wigeon in Sarpy County, Nebraska” from Nebraska Bird Review (June 2011) 79(2).


Copyright 2011 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


On Saturday 14 May 2011 on the Sarpy County Spring Count, Justin Rink, Jim Ducey, Ellen Brogie, and I found a Eurasian Wigeon at LaPlatte Bottoms. When first discovered the bird was in the company of multiple Gadwall and at least one adult male American Wigeon. The bird was a striking adult male bird with a rusty red head and a yellowish forehead. The breast was reddish and contrasted with the gray back and sides. This coloration made the white wing stripe more pronounced than that of the American Wigeon. The bird showed no evidence of hybridization. Multiple observers viewed this bird later in the day, and it was also seen on Sunday morning.

Eurasian Wigeon is listed as Casual by the NOU Records Committee, with 5 records received and accepted since 2000. An early report from LaPlatte Bottoms was made by Ruth Green on 28 March 1980 (The Birds of Nebraska, Bray, Padelford, Silcock).
