Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
"Book Reviews," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1987) 55(1): 26-28.
Wildlife 2000 Modeling Habitat Relationships of Terestrial Vertebrates, edited by Jared Verner, Michael L. Morrison, and C. John Ralph, 496 pp., 9 x 11 1/2, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wis., bibliography, indexed, cloth, $17.50.
This book is based on the proceedings of a symposium at Stanford Sierra Camp, California, in 1984. Not all papers presented there are included; those that are were revised to reflect reactions to the presentations, and some additional papers were added to round out the presentation. The sixty papers are presented in several sections: Development, Testing, and Application of Wildlife-Habitat Models; Biometric Approaches to Modeling; When Habitats Fail as Predictors; Predicting Effects of Habitat Patchiness and Fragmentation; Linking Wildlife Models with Models of Vegetation Succession; and a short Synopsis.
Obviously, this is a book for professionals, who should be able to find a lot of material for consideration.
Copyright 1987, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.