Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“1984 Fall Field Day,” from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1984) 52(4).


Copyright 1984 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


The 1984 Fall Field Day was held (officially) from noon to noon, 6/7 October, at the4-H Camp at Halsey National Forest. The weather was not the best—light rain early Saturday morning, only a couple of short showers in the afternoon, and no rain Sunday, both days dull and gray. But the attendance was good—87 were officially registered—but the added manpower could not make up for the lateness in the season and the poor weather—the tally on or near the Forest was only 81. In addition, 4 species (marked N) not recorded in the Forest were seen by a party that went up US 83 to the North Loup Saturday morning, and 4 (marked E) were seen from Duning west by incoming participants or by a party that went up past Purdham. There was the usual slide show on Saturday night, and Wayne Mollhoff commented on the bird atlas project. Of the birds submitted for consideration for “best bird” since the Annual Meeting, the Common Moorhen, seen at Capitol Beach, Lincoln, by Bill Garthright was selected as first. The King Rail, also at Capitol Beach, but seen first by Daryl and Margaret Giblin, was second. The species tallied were: . . .
