Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“1985 Fall Field Day,” from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1985) 53(4).


Copyright 1985 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


Pleasant weather greeted the 70 people who attended part or all of the 1985 Fall Field Day, at the 4-H Camp at Halsey National Forest, 5 and 6 October. There was a slide show Friday night and the official tally Sunday noon, but other than the scheduled meals, the rest of the time was free for individual birding. The committee on a records committee completed its work and presented its report to the directors. The report was accepted and Tanya Bray, Ruth Green, and Wayne Mollhoff were appointed to 3-year terms on the committee, Alice Kenitz and Barbara Padelford for 2 year terms, and R. G. Cortelyou and Gary Lingle to 1-year terms. The Red-necked Grebe reported by Bill Garthright and the Eurasian Wigeons reported by Alice Kenitz were selected as the best birds reported for the period. It was decided that a discount of $.50 be given for memberships and subscriptions for subsequent years paid for with the current year’s payment.

The number of species seen on the Forest or immediately adjacent was 72 (it was 81 last year), but 17 (marked *) were recorded off the Forest, but in its general vicinity by parties coming in from the east, or by a couple of parties that went up toward Purdham, one of which went up to the lakes in Brown County. The low count on the Forest may have been due to a snowfall the previous weekend. The snow had disappeared before the Field Day.
