Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“Supplement to 1985 Spring Occurrence Report,” from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1985) 53(4).


Copyright 1985 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


The following records were overlooked until it was too late to include them in the original report (NBR 53:50). They are either earlier, later, or new records for the localities listed, most recorded by Rick Wright, but also by Glen Kramer and the Werthmans. April is A, May is M. Four species and a hybrid, all marked +, were not in the first report, so that the total for the state is 296 rather than 292. The Douglas-Sarpy count is increased by two; no attempt was made to get similar figures for the other columns since they would affect only “spot check” columns. An * refers to these comments: Western Grebe, a count of 60 on one lake; Baird’s Sandpiper, over 600; Stilt Sandpiper, 135 at Antioch; and the Red Crossbills at a feeder at the Werthman home in north Omaha. Two showed up the first day and they peaked at 40 on 21 April. The birds were in various stages of growth—yellow, spotty orange, red—and were quite tame. One could get within three feet of them before they would fly from the feeder. The counties whose names are shortened in the headings are: Douglas and Sarpy, under D/S, Sioux, Kimball, Dawes, Sheridan, Garden, Chase, and Pawnee.

Not included in the table is a correction for Lincoln County: delete Cedar Waxwing and add Evening Grosbeak Ap 2 to My 9. Up to 31 at a time were at the Howard Wyman home. An initial Ap 22 date for Ruby-throated Hummingbird, at the Dr. Arthur V. Douglas home in Bellevue, was learned too late to be included in the table.
