Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“Notes,” from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1986) 54(4).


Copyright 1986 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


CORRECTION TO 1986 SPRING OCCURRENCE REPORT. The q and r tor Dark-eyed Junco in Column l should be in Column 2, and the explanations in the text should likewise be moved.

THE DESOTO NWR EIDERS. The March 1986 issue (NBR 54:10) reported Eiders, probably King or Common, at DeSoto NWR, and that photographs were being circulated for confirmation of the species.

NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION MIDWINTER EAGLE SURVEY. The 1986 survey total of 462 Bald Eagles is the second highest total reported for Nebraska, surpassed only by the 746 recorded during last year’s unusually mild winter.—Greg Wingfield, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, North Platte

JUNE NOTES FOR WESTERN NEBRASKA. Mark Brogie, Creighton, and I birded the western border of Nebraska in June 1986, trying to see some of the birds that breed out there. On 15 June we located a pair of Lewis’s Woodpeckers (Melanerpes lewis) in the Dead Horse Burn area of Chadron State Park. The same day we encountered a pair of Cassin's Kingbirds (Tyrannus vociferans) north of Hay Springs, on the road to Metcalf Wildlife Area, Sheridan County. On 16 June, while birding Sowbelly Canyon, Brogie found a singing Solitary Vireo (Vireo solitarius) in the transition zone between the ponderosa pines and the deciduous riparian woodland. In the wide open short grass prairie west of Harrison we successfully searched for Brewer’s Sparrows (Spizelli breweri). Nesting McCown’s (Calcarius mccownii) and Chestnut-collared Longspurs (C. ornatus) were the consolation for an unsuccessful search [for Mountain Plover] in hot, inhospitable surroundings.—Bill Huser, South Sioux City

MINDEN NOTES. I saw a Northern Harrier on 2 February 1986, and two Magpies 15 February, and a Prairie Falcon 27 February. During that period I also saw Red-tails and Kestrels, and an occasional Rough-leg and Ferruginous, and in March Swainson’s Hawks. I saw small groups of Lapland Longspurs and Horned Larks on 2 February, Sandhill Cranes in the Platte valley 8 March, and three Killdeer 16 March. My brother, Elwin, observed a Short-eared Owl during the winter. On 6 April Mourning Doves were here, and on 20 April I saw a Snowy Egret. On 4 May I saw three or four Lark Buntings and a Great Blue Heron. On 29 June I found a Mourning Dove nest with two eggs; on 19 July I saw a young Killdeer learning to fly, and on 3 August I saw a young Upland Sandpiper, just learning to fly, with its parents. My cousin, Robert Spicknall, and I saw a Yellow-crowned Night-Heron on 6 and 13 July. On 6 July Mr. Harvey Bell called my attention to an active nest of a Blue Grosbeak, with three young in it. On a hike 28 September I found Savannah and Grasshopper Sparrows but failed to find the usual Great Blue Heron.—Harold Turner, Minden
