Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
The Nebraska Bird Review Vol. 85 No. 1 (2017), pp 34-49
Fourteen Nebraska counts were held during the 2016 CBC season, which is one less than last year. The Harrison and Crawford counts were cancelled this year, but in the opposite corner of the state, a new count was started that includes Indian Cave State Park. An unusually mild November and a seasonable start to December were followed by a modest cold snap during the second week of the month. The Harlan County count was run early in the period on the 15th with ample open water, and it produced a record number of species (90) for that circle. But in the first weekend of the official count period, a storm swept across the state bringing snow, high winds, and bitter cold temperatures. Several counts were postponed, and the results for those that were run (Indian Cave, Branched Oak and Lincoln on the 17th, 18th, and 22nd respectively) reflected the tough conditions with little or no open water. As the count period progressed, the weather quickly moderated allowing for good tallies on several of the remaining and postponed counts. Across all counts, 259,403 individuals were counted, representing 134 species. Eleven species set new, or tied previous high counts. Twenty-three species were found in only one circle, and 15 of those were a single individual. Only 11 species were found in all circles.
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Published by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, Inc. Founded 1899