Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
The Nebraska Bird Review Vol. 86 No. 4 (2018), pp 186-190
The 2018 NOU Fall Field Days took place in and around Ainsworth on Sep. 14 – 16, with 48 in attendance. It was a hot and windy weekend, but 137 species were located. Two Sandhill Cranes in the Niobrara River at the Carns Bridge attracted birders, especially since the two cooperatively moved from one side of the river to the other, allowing county listers to count them in both. The bird of the weekend, however, was the Red-naped Sapsucker at Plum Creek Valley WMA. It was a county bird for everyone, a state bird for many and a life bird for some. Nearly everyone in attendance was able to see it, either on Saturday or on Sunday. Unusual species for the location and time were American Golden-Plovers and Carolina Wrens. Field trips were led by Bill Flack, Dave Heidt, and Clem Klaphake to Plum Creek Valley WMA, Willow Lake WMA, Twin Lakes WMA, Niobrara Valley Preserve, Keller Park SRA, Long Pine SRA, the Carns bridge area, Adams Lake and various small, temporary ponds. Water levels in the area lakes were high, so the small ponds were often more productive than the lakes.
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Published by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, Inc.