Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



The Nebraska Bird Review, Volume 87 March 2019 Number 1, pp 17-24


Published by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, Inc.


LeConte's Sparrow, Little Salt Fork Marsh, Lancaster Co., 22 Oct. 2018. Photo by Ruth Stearns.

Harris's Sparrow and Whitecrowned Sparrow, Polk Co., 29 Oct. 2018. Photo by Jan Johnson.

Vesper Sparrow, Chimney Rock Road, Morrill Co., 18 Sept. 2017. Photo by Clem Klaphake.

Fox Sparrow, Mahoney State Park, Cass Co., 25 Feb 2019. Photo by Elizabeth Winter.

Adult Bald Eagle, Chalco Hills Recreation Area, Sarpy Co., 25 Jan. 2019. Photo by Mike Schilmoeller.

White-winged Dove, photographer's yard,Wahoo, Saunders Co., 19 May 2019. Photo by Joe Freeborn.

Juvenile Cooper's Hawk, midtown Omaha, Douglas Co,. 18 Aug. 2014. Photo by Craig Crews.

Sharptailed Grouse displaying, Calamus, Loup Co., 29 March 2018. Photo by Deb Miller.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Johnson Co., 8 June 2019. Photo by Babs Padelford.

Leucistic Redtailed Hawk, west of Sutherland bridge on North River Road, Lincoln Co., 17 Jan. 2019. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Leucistic Eared Grebe, Harvard WPA, Clay Co., 17 June 2019. Photo by Joel Jorgensen.

American White Pelicans, Pawnee SRA, Lancaster Co., 3 Apr. 2019. Photo by Rita Flohr.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Fontenelle Forest, Sarpy Co., 7 April 2019. Photo by Brian Peterson.

Whiteeyed Vireo,Walnut Grove Park riparian area south of pond, Douglas Co., 5 May 2019. Photo by Rick Schmid.

Eastern Bluebirds and American Goldfinches, Ridgeway Rd, Bay Hills, Plattsmouth, Cass Co., 30 Dec. 2013. Photo by Duane Schwery.

Pacific Loon, Lake Cunningham, Douglas Co., 21 Oct. 2018. Photo by Loren Padelford.

Little Blue Herons, Holmes Lake, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., 2 May 2019. Photo by John Carlini.

American Avocets, Lake North, Platte Co., 17 may 2019. Photo by Rita Flohr.

American Bittern, Springer WPA, Hamilton Co., 10 May 2019. Photo by Rita Flohr.

Longbilled Curlew, Crescent Lake NWR, Garden Co., 25 May 2019. Photo by John Carlini.

Spotted Sandpiper, American Heroes Park Nature Trail, Sarpy Co., 14 May 2018. Photo by Loren Padelford.

Virginia Rail, North River Road NW of North Platte, Lincoln Co., 7 June 2019. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Snowy Plover, Smith WPA, Clay Co., 2 May 2019. Photo by Joel Jorgensen.

Ruddy Turnstone, Lake North/Babcock, Platte Co., 16 May 2019. Photo by Elizabeth Winter.

Tundra Swans, near Mead, Saunders Co., 27 Mar. 2019. Photo by Gary Roberts.

Trumpeter Swans, La Platte Bottoms, Sarpy Co., 2 Jan. 2019. Photo by Babs Padelford.

Piedbilled Grebe with young, Tamora Marsh, Seward Co., 9 Sept. 2008. Photo by Phil Swanson.

Ruddy Duck, Capitol Beach Lake, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., May 2019. Photo by Esa Jarvi.

White-winged Scoter, LakeWanahoo, Saunders Co., 13 Nov. 2018. Photo by Phil Swanson.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird, midtown Omaha, Douglas Co., 24 Sept. 2017. Photo by Craig Crews.

Nashville Warblers, photographer's yard, Papillion, Sarpy Co., 8 Sept. 2019. Photo by Phil Swanson.

Louisiana Waterthrush, near Little Blue River NWof Fairbury, Jefferson Co., 18 May 2019. Photo by Rachel Hall.

Kentucky Warbler, Fontenelle Forest, Sarpy Co., 11 May 2019. Photo by Brian Peterson.

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