Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



The Nebraska Bird Review Volume 90 Number 1, March 2022. pp. 19-26.


Published by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, Inc.


The next seven pages show examples of this year's theme: cavity nesting birds. A cavity nest can be in a birdhouse, a hole in a tree, a hole in a stream bank, a burrow in the ground, or even a mud nest the birds construct themselves.

Female Yellowbellied Sapsucker, photographer's residence, Garfield Co., 5 Jan 2022. Photo by Bob Gerten.

Louisiana Waterthrush with young at nest under bank overhang, Rock Creek Station State Historical Park, Jefferson Co., 18 May 2016. Photo by John Carlini.

Pygmy Nuthatch, GilbertBaker WMA, Sioux Co., 11 July 2021. Photo by Colleen Childers.

Winter Wren, Platte River State Park, Cass Co., 11 Dec 2020. Photo by Mary Clausen

Barn Owl with chicks, west of Birdwood Road between Hershey and Sutherland, Lincoln Co., 16 July 2018. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Burrowing Owls, West Antelope Road south of Hershey, Lincoln Co., 30 June 2017. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Young Barred Owl on photographer's deck, Bellevue, Sarpy Co., 8 July 2022. Photo by Loren Padelford.

Sawwhet Owl adult, chicks and eggs in nest box, Chadron Creek Ranch WMA, Dawes Co., 15 March 2015. Photo by Wayne Mollhoff.

Male Mountain Bluebird, Sowbelly Canyon, Sioux Co., 23 May 2022. Photo by Thane Dinsdale.

Eastern Bluebird, Chalco Hills Rec. Area, Sarpy Co., 27 April 2020. Photo by Rachel Hall.

Tree Swallows, NPPD canal south of North Platte, Lincoln Co., 3 July 2019. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Bank Swallows, southeast of Ord off Highway 11, Valley Co., 14 Aug 2021. Photo by Rita Flohr.

Cliff Swallow in nest, Lake Minatare, North Platte NWR, Scotts Bluff Co., 29 April 2022. Photo by Elizabeth Winter.

Eastern ScreechOwl, photographer's farm, Dixon Co., 8 May 2022. Photo by Jan Johnson.

Redheaded Woodpecker, just east of Smith Falls S.P., Cherry Co., 23 June 2022. Photo by Gordon Warrick.

Male Northern Flicker hybrid (reddish malar of RedShafted and red nape of Yellowshafted), Smith Lake WMA, Sheridan Co., 20 May 2007. Photo by Wayne Mollhoff.

Ovenbird, Hanscom Park, Omaha, Douglas Co., 9 May 2022. Photo by Thane Dinsdale.

Wood Duck, Warrick Farm near Blair, Washington Co., 16 Apr 2022. Photo by Gordon Warrick.

Pileated Woodpecker adult and young, Fontenelle Forest, Sarpy Co., 25 May 2017. Photo by Elizabeth Winter.

Treenesting Blackbellied WhistlingDucks, Raymond Coop Pond near Branched Oak Lake, Lancaster Co., 13 May 2022. Photo by Thane Dinsdale

Ashthroated Flycatcher, Exit 1, Kimball Co., 27 June 2021. Photo by Mary Clausen.

Great Horned Owl adult and chick, canal northwest of Paxton, Keith Co., 24 April 2022. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Prothonotary Warbler, Omaha, Sarpy Co., 14 May 2020. Photo by Mary Clausen. Brown Creeper carrying cockroach to nest in bark of dead ponderosa pine, Smith Falls S. P., Cherry Co., 16 June 2022. Photo by Gordon Warrick.

House Wren, photographer's yard, Omaha, Douglas Co., 26 June 2022. Photo by Patsy McQuade.

Male Hairy Woodpecker, photographer's residence, Garfield Co., 9 May 2021. Photo by Bob Gerten.

Blackcapped Chickadee, photographer's residence, Garfield Co., 27 Jan 2021. Photo by Bob Gerten.

American Kestrel, Chalco Hills Rec. Area, Sarpy Co.,10 Feb 2022. Photo by Donna Gray.

Male and female Purple Martins bringing food to young, photographer's yard, Denton, Lancaster Co., 2 July 2022. Photo by Joe Gubanyi.

Unlike the birds shown on the preceding pages, the species on this page do not make their nests in cavities.

First documented Nebraska Limpkin, Chalco Hills Rec. Area, Omaha, Sarpy Co., 30 June 2022. Photo by Donna Gray.

Shorteared Owl, near Nathan's Lake, Washington Co.,15 Feb 2022. Photo by Phil Swanson. Black Terns, Lake North, Platte Co., 27 May 2022. Photo by Rita Flohr.

Upland Sandpiper in soybean field, north of Lincoln, Lancaster Co., July 2021. Photo by Esa Jarvi.

Eared Grebes, Eagle Scout Lake, Grand Island, Hall Co., 7 April 2022. Photo by Colleen Childers.
