Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



The Nebraska Bird Review Volume 90 Number 1, March 2022, pp. 18 & 27-41


Published by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, Inc.


With the addition of the new Fort Niobrara circle, 19 counts were run during the 2021-2022 CBC season. Thirteen of them were run from December 14 through December 21 and the other six were done December 27 or later. The weather was mild to start the count period with almost all water open. As the count period progressed, the weather became more seasonable and much of the standing water froze, but conditions remained fairly benign with the exception of the Lake McConaughy count on January 2. Though it was cold but sunny on that day, the previous day’s snow and ice prevented all of the intended participants from the east from coming, and the count was done by two field counters and one feeder watcher. As a result, the McConaughy tally totaled only 50 species while its ten-year average is about 100, and many are McConaughy specialties. So, it is surprising to see that total number of 133 species for all circles is only slightly lower than the ten-year average of 138, and that the total number of individuals (336,111) was the third highest tally, behind only the counts in 1977 (652,936) and 2018 (436,316).
