Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Johnsgard, "An Analysis of Migration Schedules of Passerine Birds in Nebraska," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1980) 48(3).


Copyright 1980, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


An Analysis of Migration Schedules of Passerine Birds in Nebraska

The format of this paper follows my earlier one on non·passerine species (NBR 48:26-36). Eastern Kingbird. Seventy-three initial spring sightings range from 24 March to 29 May with a median of 3 May. Half of the records fall within the period 1-7 May. The range of 126 final fall sightings is from 4 August to 14 October, with a median of 9 September. Half of the records fall within the period 116 September.

Western Kingbird. The range of 117 initial spring sightings is from 30 April to 26 May, with a median of 5 May. Half of the records fall within the period 1-10 May. The range of 125 final fall sightings is from 26 July to 10 October, with a median of 3 September. Half of the records fall within the period 24 August-10 September.

Cassin's Kingbird. Eight initial spring sightings range from 27 April to 30 May, with a mean of 2 May. Twelve last fall sightings range from 22 August to 28 September, with a median of 17 September.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. Seventeen initial spring sightings range from 19 April to 10 June, with d median of 2 May. Half of the records fall within the period 29 April 3 May. Eight final fall sightings are from 23 July to 5 October, with a mean of 14 September.
