Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Silcock and Jorgensen, "Winter Field Report, Dec. 1998–Feb. 1999" in Nebraska Bird Review (March 1999) 67(1).


Copyright 1999, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


First we want to correct a rather obvious error in the Summer Field Report. We reported 3 pairs of Cordilleran Flycatchers at Neale Woods at the eastern edge of the state, which would be a remarkable range expansion. These birds were actually in Monroe Canyon, Sioux Co, where they were supposed to be. Another error involved 5 Brewer's Sparrows we said were in Sioux Co; these were actually Brewer's Blackbirds.

Several contributors now report to us by email. We urge observers to forward their email addresses; if we have questions on their reports, communication would be easy! Reports and comments can be submitted to Ross Silcock by email at We should note here that this Seasonal Report contains a few unverified observations as well as documented observations; we have generally indicated that reports are unverified if the report is of some significance. We submit documentation we receive to the Records Committee; observers are urged to provide details on unusual birds along with their reports.

Read on and enjoy. (If you don't enjoy, please forward your constructive criticism!)
