Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Mollhoff, "1999-2000 Nebraska Nesting Report," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 2001) 69(2).


Copyright 2001, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


In the interest of expediency, the nesting reports for the 1999 and 2000 seasons are combined. In addition to records from those two years, several other previously unreported records are also included. Full dates are included with each record to minimize confusion.

Observations by the following individuals (identified in the report by their initials) are included in the nesting report: John Brenneman (J.B.), John Dinan (J.D.), Dale Dvorak (D.D.), Jon Farrar (J.F.), Michael Forsberg (M.F.), Joe Gabig (J.G.), Chris Helzer (C.H.), Jan Johnson (J.J.), Alice Kenitz (A.K), Joanne Luebbert (J.L.), Nick Limon (N.L), Leonard McDaniel (L.M.), Wayne Mollhoff (W.M.), Gregory Pavelka (G.P.), Jean Pearson (J.P.), Neal Ratzlaff (N.R.), and Bill Whitney (B.W.).

A total of 221 records were reviewed, representing 79 species. Details will be presented only on the more significant records, with other species listed at the end of the report.

Abbreviations used in the text include: NGPC --Nebraska Game & Parks Commission; .NWR--National Wildlife Refuge; UNSM--University of Nebraska State Museum; WMA--Wildlife Management Area.
