Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



Paseka, "2001-2002 Christmas Bird Counts," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 2002) 70(1).


Copyright 2002, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


A total of 12 counts are recorded on Tables Two and Three, three more than last year's effort. The Beaver Valley and Grand Island counts are run most years, but we sometimes miss receiving data from them. DeSotoBoyer is run every year but does not always get published here, perhaps because the tally is listed as an Iowa count according to the Audubon Society; however, the area covered is partially in Nebraska, and the participants are mostly Nebraska birders.

The counts reported a total of 138 species this year, up from 133 in 1999 and from 117 in 2000. Nearly 230,000 individual birds were counted, compared to approximately 240,000 in 1999 and nearly 138,000 in 2000. Lake McConaughy topped the list with 103 species, 10 more than the lake's 2000 total. Branched Oak registered the highest tally of individual birds, with nearly 41,000 counted. DeSoto-Boyer was second with nearly 39,000 birds. These counts both owed their high totals of individuals to Snow Goose counts in the 30,000 range. 43 species were seen in only one circle; and 17 species were seen in all 12 circles. 24 species were reported as single individuals.
