Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Jorgensen, "2001 (13th) Report of the NOU Records Committee," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 2003) 71(2).


Copyright 2003, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


The functions and methods of the NOU Records Committee are described in its bylaws (NOU Records Committee 1986). The committee's purpose is to provide a procedure for documenting unusual bird sightings and to establish a list of all documented birds for Nebraska.

THE OFFICIAL LIST OF THE BIRDS OF NEBRASKA was first published in 1988 (NOU Records Committee 1988) and has been appended eleven times (Moll hoff 1989, Grenon 1990, Grenon 1991, Gubanyi 1996a, Gubanyi 1996b, Gubanyi 1996c, Brogie 1997, Brogie 1998, Brogie 1999, Jorgensen 2001 and Jorgensen 2002).

An update of the OFFICIAL LIST OF THE BIRDS OF NEBRASKA was first published in 1997 (NOU Records Committee 1997).

2001 Additions to the State List

Costa's Hummingbird (Calypte costae), Accidental, III

With this addition, the state list now includes 446 species.

Criteria for Accepted Records

For a record to be accepted, a minimum of six votes in favor is required with no more than one dissenting vote (NOU Records Committee, 1986). Records in the following classes listed as accepted:
