Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Korpi, "1991 Fall Occurrence Report," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1992) 60(1).


Copyright 1992, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.



During the period from 1 July to 31 December 1991, 292 species plus a probable escape were recorded in the state. This compares with 284 species for the same period in 1990, 291 species in 1989, 282 species in 1988, 296 in 1987, and 293 in 1986. Tables are arranged in a west-to-east fashion, following major river valleys where possible. The whooping crane and Christmas Count reports, found in other parts of this issue, are not included in this report.

Weather in this period was noteworthy. Most reporters noted a significant drop in bird populations after the late October ice and snow storm. A comment from Father Thomas Hoffman typifies those made by NOD reporters: "After the Halloween ice/snow storm, Great Blue Herons, Robins, Goldfinches, all sparrows except Juncos and an occasional Tree Sparrow simply disappeared. House and Purple Finches never appeared. A second ice storm in NW Saunders County wreaked havoc on trees the day after Thanksgiving. In spite of the generally very warm January and February, winter birding has been miserable at Wolf Lake." Countering this trend was the influx of northern gulls and seabirds. The Pomarine Jaeger in Lancaster County was most noteworthy, but Glaucous and Iceland Gulls also appeared. Early in January a Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported in Lancaster County. The Keith County December records of gulls, scoters, and Oldsquaw are also quite exciting.
