Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
"Notes on Bird Sightings," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1992) 60(4).
Notes from contributions to "A Bird’s Eye View" (Audubon Society of Omaha) by Ruth C. Green, 506 W. 31 Ave .. Bellevue, NE 68005
AMERICAN WHITE unusually early Lake in western Offut Base Lake PELICAN. Flocks of this species were seen in 1992 fall migration by Julie Schroeder on Curtis Douglas County on July 22, and by Ruth Green at in Bellevue, Sarpy County on July 29.
CATTLE EGRET. In mid-July, 1992, Ruth identified a male Cattle Egret in full breeding plumage as it was chasing insects in the yard of Bob and Elaine Sabin, Bellevue.
RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD. On August 8, 1992, Sharlene Wozniak, Omaha, reported to Ruth Green that she had a Rufous Hummingbird at her feeders on 102nd Ave. Ruth went to the site and saw it come once and feed heavily for about five minutes, then it left. Ruth wrote, "Both Sharlene and I were awed by the brilliance of this male Rufous Hummingbird; its plumage was more spectacular than any I have ever seen even in Arizona or California."
LEAST TERNS. During the summer of 1992, Ruth observed from 7 to 12 birds at the Capehart Golf Course in Bellevue, and 2 adults and 2 young at a sandpit lake south of Bellevue.
Copyright 1992, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.