Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
Ratzlaff, "Publications about Birds in Nebraska," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1994) 62(3).
Birds of the Lake McConaughy Area and the North Platte River Valley. Nebraska. The author is Richard C. Rosche, a long-time member of The Nebraska Ornithologists' Union (NOU), and the fine illustrations were done by Dorothy J. Rosche. The 119 page paper, which is in an 8 x 11½ spiral binder, is a detailed account of birdlife in the Lake Mcconaughy area, defined as the North Platte River Valley from Oshkosh on the west to Keystone on the east. The paper contains an annotated list of the 285 species known to have occurred in the region, with information on abundance and frequency, occurrence dates, breeding status, general habitat requirements, specific locations, and historical data when appropriate. Also included are McConaughy Christmas Bird Counts and a checklist of birds of the region. The paper draws on the Rosches' extensive personal observations beginning in 1968, and a very complete literature survey, as the extensive bibliography attests.
The paper is priced at $14.25 plus postage and handling to nonmembers of NOU. However, Mr. Rosche has kindly offered to make the paper available to NOU members for only $10.00 plus $2.00 for postage and handling. If you wish to obtain a copy, send your order and a check to Mr. Richard C. Rosche, 501 Shelton Street, Chadron, NE 68337.
Copyright 1994, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.