Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"Notes," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1990) 58(1).


Copyright 1990, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.



NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION EAGLE SURVEY In the 1990 Eagle Survey a total of 857 Bald Eagles were observed in Nebraska, 211 along the Missouri River, and 646 in the rest of the state. This count is 259 less than the record high of 1,116 observed in 1989, and 103 less than the average of 960 birds for 1987-1989. The Missouri River count is nearly identical to the 1989 figure and to the three year average. Possibly the cold snap in late December prompted some Eagles to overfly Nebraska in search of less hostile wintering conditions. The Harlan Co. Reservoir area was down 75 birds from the past three year average, the Sutherland Reservoir area was down 20, and the Platte River from Darr to Elm Creek was down 30.

LATE BOBWHITES On 7 October 1989, while I was putting up my banding nets near the Administration Building at Halsey 4-H Camp, I flushed a family of Bobwhites. The young (about 8 or 10) appeared to be no more than a week old. This seemed to be a very late hatching.

-Ruth C. Green, 506 West 31st Avenue, Bellevue, NE 68005

WHOOPING CRANE REPORT The Grand Island office of the Fish and Wildlife Service reported 5 confirmed sightings of Whooping Cranes in Nebraska in the fall of 1989, 6 probable sightings, and 5 unconfirmed sightings. Confirmed sightings are:

Four adults, Hall Co., 13-14 October, Platte River, 2.5 mi. w. of Wood River bridge, T9N, R12W, S23, 25, 27. Two adults and one young, Sherman Co., 29-30 October, 2 mi. w. and 1 s. of Rockville.

Three adults and one young, Howard Co., 31 October, Middle Loup River, 2mi. s. of Dannebrog, T13N, R11W, S22, SE 1/4, S23, NW 1/4, flying. One adult, Hitchcock Co., 31 October, 3 mi. s. and 4 mi. e. of Stratton, T2N, R34W, S33, NE V4. Found dead in field near a power line. Two adults, Hall Co., 4 November, Platte River, 2 mi. e. of Aida bridge T9N, R10W, S4, NW 1/4, and 2 mi. w. of Aida bridge, T9N, R11W, S4, NW 1/4.
