Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"Notes," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1990) 58(2).


Copyright 1990, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


THE TABLES FOR THE 1990 SPRING OCCURRENCE REPORT were poorly printed, for unexplained reasons. The tables did not match across the "gutter"; it will help to draw a line from the first line on one page to the first line on the facing page, and then draw a line across for every third line. That way, the line for each species will either have a line across, or be just above or just below one. The headings for the left-hand pages after page 60 were omitted. The headings for pages 58 and 60 are correct for the rest of the pages; a paper guide with the headings marked on it can be used, or the headings can be written in for more permanent use.

NESTING TRUMPETER SWANS, On 2 September 1990 I saw 2 adult and 2 young Trumpeter Swans on the west end of Long Lake, T26N R17W S12, Rock Co. The east end of Long Lake is in T26N R16W S7, Holt Co. The lake is over a mile long and quite narrow, with a lot of rushes and emergent vegetation, in places growing completely across the lake. The open water is in fragmented strips and patches. The young Swans were getting good sized but still noticeably smaller than the adults. I would guess the young were capable of flight, but not long sustained flight.
