Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"1977 Fall Field Day," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1977) 45(4).


Copyright 1977, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


1977 Fall Field Day

The 1977 Fall Field Day started Saturday night with a get-together at the home of the George W. Browns in Kearney. Sunday, 2 October, started out gray and chilly, but eventually developed into the fine fall day which had been ordered and promised. The trip started at the Newark Township building and went north on Nebraska 10 to the north bank of the Platte River and explored eastward along the river. After that area had been covered the group went to an area northeast of Fort Kearney. After the lunch at the Newark Township building, at which the official tally was compiled, some of the group went to the Funk lagoon for more birding. Thirty-three people were at the lunch (it was easy to count them while they were sitting down) but more than that were involved in the activities at one time or another.
