Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
"1979 (Twenty-Second) Fall Occurrence Report," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1980) 48(1).
Two hundred eighty four species (plus a possible Black Rail) are listed in this report, from eleven localities. Comparable figures for prior years are: 269 species from twelve localities in 1978,267 from eleven in. 19-77, and 271 from eleven in 1976.
The information is presented in a rough west (left) to east (right) order, with locations of about the same longitude listed with the northernmost first (except for Washington Co.). Two dates indicate the first and last records for the period. The symbols used are:
JI, Au, Sp, Ot, No, and Dm for the months
Copyright 1980, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.