Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"Book Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1980) 48(2).


Copyright 1980, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


A Preliminary List of the Birds of Nebraska and Adjacent States, Paul A. Johnsgard, vi +119 + 37 pages of maps, mimeographed, paperbound, indexed. Privately printed, $5.00 (plus $1.00 postage). Available from Dr. Paul A. Johnsgard, School of Life Sciences, University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588.

This book grew out of the work for Dr. Johnsgard's Birds of the Great Plains. and includes range maps from that book, and at the end of the Nebraska list short notes on birds reported from the Dakotas, Kansas, and Oklahoma, but which are not on the Nebraska list. For Nebraska birds there is a comment on the bird's status - abundance, seasonality, and location - then a statement on "Migration" (see page 26 of this issue), and a statement on "Habitat". NOU's last Check-list is out of print and out of date, so this book fills a definite need. Those who believe in the bird-in-hand theory will try to get one of the remaining books of this very limited printing; others may wait for a later printing in the future (see comments in the account of the Annual Meeting, below).
