Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



"A Checklist of the Birds of Mormon Island Crane Meadows," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1982) 50(2).


Copyright 1982, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Mormon Island Crane Meadows (MICM) was purchased in December 1979 through a cooperative effort of The Nature Conservancy and The Platte River Whooping Crane Critical Habitat Maintenance Trust. This 2,000 acre preserve provides excellent habitat for spring staging migratory water birds and numerous species of other wildlife, In order to determine sound management practices for the area it was necessary to conduct an intensive inventory of the flora and fauna occurring there. This checklist represents the results of the bird inventory.

Notes on the occurrence of avifauna observed on MICM were recorded from 24 March 1980 to 28 July 1981. Atotal of 178 species of birds (see Table 1) was observed, which represents nearly 44% of the 405 species recorded in Nebraska (Johnsgard 1980). This deversity is surprising considering the size of the area and the relatively uniform habitat. Sixty-two species are considered either known or probable breeders, which is nearly 31% of the 201 species breeding in Nebraska (Johnsgard 1980). Two species on the federal endangered species list were encountered, the Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), as well as one on the state threatened list, the Least Tern (Sterna albifrons).
