Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"1983 Fall Field Day," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1983) 51(4).


Copyright 1983, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


There were 55 who registered for the 1983 Fall Field Day, 24/25 September 1983, at the 4-H Camp at Halsey National Forest. With the benefit of good weather they tallied 94 species on or near the Forest, and a party that went up US 83 as far as the North Loup added 10 more (marked [N]), and 2 or 3 unidentified species of shore birds. The Scott's Oriole, near Wauneta, was selected as the best of the birds submitted for consideration, with the Black-necked Stilt, near Gothenburg, and the Glossy Ibis, at Lincoln, tied for second. After the slide show Saturday night (which included an identification quiz) Wayne J. Mollhoff, of Albion, spoke about the Holartic Avian Speciation Atlas, for which he is the Nebraska coordinator, soliciting the support of NOU as an organization, and the members as individuals. He proposes about 400 blocks, each about 3 miles square, which will be surveyed for evidence of breeding of the species actually or expected to be found there. Collection of the data is expected to be done from 1984 to 1988.
