Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Nebraska Bird Review (March 1986) 54(1).


Copyright 1986, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


About noon on 18 November 1985 B.J. Rose (14937 N St., Omaha, Neb. 68137) saw a gull flying over the Hartford Sand & Gravel Co.'s sandpit lake, a mile north of Venice, Douglas Co. Because of the size and flight pattern he expected it to be a Kittiwake, but when he got the binoculars on it he saw the white wedge along the outer wing, similar to that of a Bonaparte's. However, except for the white outer primaries, the underwings were uniformly dark. It was an adult winter-plumaged bird with a dark spot behind the eye, bill brownish color (not black), tail all white. There were no other gulls present for direct size comparison, but it was noticeably smaller than drake Mallards.
