"Age and Growth of the River Carpsucker, <i>Carpiodes carpio</i>, in th" by Larry A. Morris

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Document Type


Date of this Version

April 1965


Published in THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Vol. 73, No.2, pp. 423-429, April, 1965. Copyright © University of Notre Dame Press. Notre Dame, Indiana. Used by permission.


The river carpsucker, Carpiodes carpio, was collected in the Missouri River bordering eastern Nebraska in 1961 and 1962. During and preceding the study period the course of the river was being altered to promote commercial barge traffic. These alterations resulted in numerous cutoff lakes and chutes many of which were left open to the river at their downstream ends. Collections were made both here and in the river channel. Age and growth data from collections in the cutoff lakes and chutes were combined, while age and growth determinations were made separately for fish from the main stream. The differences in average calculated growth rates of the two groups were slight. The greatest increment of growth occurred during the second year. Female river carpsuckers grew slightly faster than the males through the first four years of life. Usually the river carpsuckers were mature when 12 inches long. About 25% of the threeyear- old males were mature and approximately 25% of the four year- old females had reached maturity. A length-weight relationship and coefficients of condition are presented.
