Nebraska Game and Parks Commission


Document Type



Hildebrand, Terri and Steven B. Rolfsmeier. Undated. Vegetative Sampling of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska including Scotts Bluff National Monument and Rare Plant Survey of the Wildcat Hills Region of Northwestern Nebraska, A Final Report to: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 345 pp.


The Wildcat Hills region of northwestern Nebraska is a ridge extending westerly from Chimney Rock in Morrill county to west of Kiowa Creek in central Scotts Bluff county and southerly into the northernmost portions of Banner county (Fig. 1). Much of the expanse is fronted along its northern portion by the North Platte River and US Highway 26. Also included within the study area are the federal lands of Scotts Bluff National Monument and Chimney Rock National Historic Site. Two large portions of state lands, Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area and Buffalo Creek Wildlife Management Area, are located just easterly of US Highway 71 south of Gering. Nearly all remaining lands are in private domains.

Prairie restoration efforts are being undertaken on portions of Scotts Bluff National Monument. This study was a two year venture to assess species composition and density on undisturbed prairie in an effort to aid in this restoration. During the first field season (1995), undisturbed prairie in an effort to aid in this restoration. During the first field season (1995), undisturbed prairie on the Monument was identified and sampled (Hildebrand 1995). In 1996, plots were located in a variety of soils, slopes and elevations throughout the Wildcat Hills to provide supplementary information. Additionally, a rare plant survey of the Wildcat Hills was performed.
