Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Date of this Version
Document Type
Steinauer, Robert F. 1999. 1999 Wildlife Management Area Threatened and Endangered Species Inventory, Final Report. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 109 pp.
This study was undertaken to determine the extent of threatened and endangered (T&E) species habitats and high-quality native plant communities on Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (NGPC) Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). The Nebraska Natural Heritage Program (NHP) is responsible for environmental reviews of state projects that may impact threatened and endangered (T&E) species in Nebraska, including proposed management actions on state Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). These environmental reviews require a significant amount of NHP staff time, and frequently find no adverse impacts associated with the proposed management actions. This survey was undertaken to improve Nebraska Game and Parks Commissions (NGPC) knowledge of T & E species and their potential habitat present on state WMAs, and thus decrease the amount of time spent by NHP staff conducting environmental reviews associated with WMA management proposals.
NHPS is also responsible for tracking natural plant communities in Nebraska. Natural plant community inventories were included in this survey because information regarding the presence and condition of plant communities on WMAs is incomplete.
The objectives of this contract were to survey WMAs to identify: (1) suitable habitat for currently listed and proposed threatened and endangered species (Table 1) and, (2) the type and condition of natural communities present.
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