Nebraska Game and Parks Commission



Joyce Hardy

Date of this Version


Document Type



Hardy, Joyce. 1995. Final Report: Oglala National Grasslands Badlands Vegetational Survey. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. 25pp.


These surveys were taken to document the vegetational species in the Ogalala National Grasslands A total of 637 plant collections were made. Collections were made under Hardy’s number when possible. Identifications were completed by Hardy, with assistance by Ron Weedon, Steve Rolfsmeier, and Stan Welsch. Identifications were made using the Flora of the Great Plains, and synonym follows the same source. These collections represent 233 taxonomic entities, including 41 families, 227 separate species, one known hybrid, and six subspecific pairs. Four of these collections are new to the state of Nebraska and 44 are newly collected for the county of collection (as compared with the Atlas of the Flora of the Great Plains). In addition, of the collected species are on the Nebraska Natural Heritage Program’s Plant Element Species List. All specimens are located at the Chadron State College Herbarium (CSCN), Chadron Nebraska.
